Green Lifestyle

Everything is connected

Thought Leader Global explores a green lifestyles through different inspiring stories.

To create a living space like Signaturhagen designed for tomorrow’s way of living, has been very important for us.

Paul Dehli Navestad, Manager Signaturhagen Bolig AS

Most people have a pretty distanced releationship to food waste.

Luca Kleve-Ruud, Owner at Myrull Media

Luca Kleve-Ruud

Owner at Myrull Media

Photographer based in Nesodden, outside Oslo

Jørn Viumdal
Author Skogluft Effekten

Jørn Viumdal is a trained precision mechanic and mechanical engineer, and started out working on technical job assignments. After a while, he found the need to incorporate a more biological understanding into his everyday and professional life. NASA’s laboratory tests on the ability of plants to absorb harmful gases had a major impact on Jørn’s work. Later on, Jørn was involved in the practical implementation of pioneering tests under the direction of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, which looked at the practical effect of using plants in typical indoor environments. Jørn has worked to introduce elements of nature into homes, schools, nursery schools, airports and offices.